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Images of projects and activities I have helped to create and worked on 

The foundation of every state is the education of it's youth

"Youth work" is defined as activities that intentionally seek to impact or even impress upon young people. This is primarily a set of loosely affiliated activities that have been defined, redefined and reinvented in subsequent generations. Methodology and practice are constantly being rewritten. Central to a definition of youth work is the notion that youth work should aim to engage with society and bring about social change and effect policy of an unequal society. Thus young people positively developing and contributing. 


My youth work has seen me work in deprived areas of Leicester and Barnet North London. I have obtained funding and organised creative projects such as music production, photography, digital art, outdoor activities and residentials.


I have worked with and supported young people who have been homeless, involved with the criminal justice system, victim to substance misuse, excluded and deemed as hard to reach. I have also worked in partnership with other organisations and young people who have  had a positive impact on their community. I have a strong ethos of community well-being.

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